An Industry Icon Remembered


JAMAICAN entrepreneur and founder of SANDALS RESORTS INTERNATIONAL, GORDON "BUTCH" STEWART has died at the age of 79. STEWART understood and used the power of radio to help propel SANDALS and BEACHES RESORTS into the brand it is today. 

STEWART, a firm believer in the medium of radio, understood the relationships air personalities had with their audiences. Because of this, STEWART opened his doors to his luxury resorts often, enabling broadcasters to experience SANDALS and BEACHES RESORTS themselves. 

JULIE WATSON, President of JAWW MEDIA + MARKETING, SANDALS’ radio agency commented, "In his 40 years at the helm of SANDALS RESORTS INTERNATIONAL, MR. STEWART never took his foot off the gas as a marketer to radio's powerful audience.  He never rested on their success, he always strived for MORE amenities, MORE luxury-inclusions, MORE resorts and MORE radio broadcasts. I loved that big ideas were always welcome at his table; he would often say ‘You’re pushing on an open door'. His absence will be felt, but his team is the best in the CARIBBEAN. Radio will continue to be his storyteller for ALL THAT’S GOOD ABOUT SANDALS AND BEACHES RESORTS.”

Julie Watson